School Bus
School Bus Services at OWIS
We have contracted with independent third party transport providers for our bus services. Custom bus routes can be created to accommodate all students, so you can take advantage of our school bus services no matter where you live in Singapore.
For OWIS Nanyang, we have contracted with Goh Transport.
For OWIS Digital Campus, we have contracted with Advan Transport & Trading Pte Ltd.
Please contact the following email ids for more information:
OWIS Nanyang bus service: [email protected]
OWIS Digital Campus bus service: [email protected]
The bus service is optional for parents to avail and is available at an additional cost based on zoning of the student’s residential address.
Please visit the School Fees page for more information on the zone-wise bus fees for both campuses.
Age Requirements and Eligibility for Bus Services
Sign Up for School Bus Service for Your Child
Please email [email protected] to enquire about our bus services.
You will get a confirmation email from OWIS’ Transportation Liaison Officer (TLO) once your child’s bus registration details are received.
Do note that a minimum of two to three (2-3) weeks processing time period is required by the bus operator for all new registrations. Bus allocation and actual commencement of the bus service, is determined at the discretion of the bus operator based on existing service coverage and seat availability in the relevant bus(es).
All required bus details (Bus Route Number, Bus Driver Name, Contact Number, Vehicle Number, Pick-Up & Drop-Off Timing) will be updated by a representative of the Bus Operator.
All bus riders (students) and parents/guardians are deemed to have accepted the latest Terms and Conditions for OWIS’ bus services as outlined in the Rules and Regulations and Frequently Asked Questions (Bus FAQs) in this webpage, upon signing up for the bus service.
Terms & Conditions
A. For safety and security purposes, all children must wear a seatbelt once they board the bus. The only exception is when they get on or off the bus
B. All children are expected to behave in a responsible and courteous manner while riding on the bus.
- Children are also expected to use acceptable language and speak softly so as not to distract the bus driver from the road. This is to ensure a safe and comfortable ride for all
C. All children are responsible for keeping track of their own belongings; and disposing their trash.
- For hygiene purposes as well as safety considerations (e.g. eating a lollipop with a long stick may pose a safety hazard if the bus makes a sudden stop), eating and drinking is prohibited on the bus.
D. Children are required to be punctual for their school buses pick-up. We seek parents’ assistance so that students reach the waiting point prior to their pick-up timing, to avoid the school bus waiting for them. A delay in one pick-up point will result in delays at all subsequent points.
- Parents of young children are required to ensure someone (family member or helper) meets the child at the drop off point
E. Children may be moved from one bus to another to accommodate changes in traffic conditions or students; cohort or changes of bus routing
F. We seek parents’ understanding to deal only with the bus office and NOT directly with the Bus Driver or the Bus Aunty. This is to avoid any unnecessary miscommunication.
G. All students are subject to transportation laws, rules, and regulations from the time they board a school bus until the bus route is completed or until the students arrive at their normal destinations, either at school or home.
H. The bus company shall not be held liable for any loss if it is unable to retrieve or return any item of lost property left in the bus by passengers.
- Any items found will, however, be kept in our office for three months.
- Thereafter, we reserve the right to donate or otherwise dispose of the items accordingly.
I. The Rules and Regulations provided herein are subject to change from time to time as our operating condition evolves.
Bus Rules & Regulations while waiting for the School Bus
- Bus Riders (Students) must be punctual when boarding the bus.
- Bus Riders (Students) must board the bus in a peaceful and orderly manner.
- Bus Riders (Students) must form polite queues and wait for their turn to be seated.
- Reservation of seats is strictly not allowed.
- Bus Riders (Students) must remain seated and keep their seat belts fastened throughout their journey.
- Bus Riders (Students) are not allowed to exit the bus and loiter out of the bus
- Bus Riders (Students) is entitled to one seat only and school bags should be placed on the floor
- Adults and/or visitors are not allowed to travel in the bus with the students
Bus Rules & Regulations while riding on the School Bus
- Bus Riders (Students) should conduct themselves in an acceptable manner at all times.
- Seat belts must be fastened securely at all times and must not be removed until the bus has come to a complete stop
- Profanity, obscene gestures, horseplay, throwing objects, fighting, bullying, shouting, uttering offensive language, boisterous or any unruly behavior will be reported to the School and subsequent disciplinary action may be taken.
- Bus Riders (Students) who misbehave will be issued with Misbehavior Form from the Bus Aunty after 3 repeated warnings
- Bus Riders (Students) with repeated misconduct may be suspended from the use of the bus service.
- Chewing gum, eating, drinking and littering are not allowed on the bus.
- Sharp and potentially hazardous items such as pen knives and aerosol sprays are prohibited on the bus; stationery and toys must be kept in school bags.
- Bus Riders (Students) shall follow safety instructions given by the bus driver and attendant during their bus journey.
- Bus Riders (Students) are expected to be considerate and respectful towards the bus driver, attendant and fellow passengers
- Bus Riders (Students) are expected to use the bus facilities with care.
- In the event of any damage, defacement or vandalism caused by a Bus Rider (Student) it will be reported to the School and the parents will be held responsible and financially liable for the cost of the repair.
- Changing of clothes on the bus is not permitted.
- Bus Riders (Students) should not tamper with the emergency door, fire extinguisher, or other safety equipment on the bus
- Bus Riders (Students) should refrain from talking to the driver except in an emergency
Bus Rules & Regulations while leaving the School Bus
- Bus Riders (Students) should remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop
- Upon arrival at school, Bus Riders (Students) in front seats will leave the bus first and all will exit in an orderly fashion.
- Bus Riders (Students) are allowed to leave the bus only at regular stops.
- All Bus Riders (Students) should promptly move away from the bus after exiting and should never go back toward the bus once the driver has broken visual contact with them. (Following these instructions saves lives.)
Other Rules & Regulations
- There will be an additional fee charged if a child (EC/Grade 1 or 2) is brought back to school due to the absence of a parent or guardian at the drop off point
- Buses will wait 2 minutes at the designated pick-up time before moving on to the next pick-up point.
- Unauthorised personnel, parents, family members, guardians and domestic helpers are NOT allowed to accompany the children on the bus.
- The bus company shall not be held liable for any loss if it is unable to retrieve or return any item of lost property left in the bus by passengers.
- The terms and conditions provided herein are subject to change from time to time as our operating condition evolves.
The Parents shall indemnify the bus operator against all proceedings, costs, expenses, liabilities, injury, death, loss or damage arising out of the breach or negligent performance of failure in performance by the Parents and/ or the Student of the Rules and Regulations.
School bus services are provided only during school days and are not provided during school holidays or non-school days.
In case of national or any other emergency declared by the Singapore Government (For example, the Circuit Breaker due to Covid19), bus services will be suspended according to the duration and terms of the emergency period. The school management has the right to extend the suspension of bus services if required.
While the bus operator offers a point-to-point pick-up & drop-off service, there are pre-designated points chosen for students to board and alight the bus, which are safe and convenient. This is usually the main gate of the condominium/residence. However, the bus company reserves the right to designate the final pick-up point in compliance with traffic and safety rules, size of the bus and road conditions.
Punctuality must be observed at all times and students must be at the designated pick-up point 5 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time in the morning. The bus driver is authorized to proceed without notice to the next pick-up point if the student is not present up to 2 minutes after the scheduled pick-up time. If the student misses the bus because of this reason, there will be no reimbursement for their own transport arrangement.
In the event of rain, students will be picked-up and dropped-off at the nearest sheltered area that is safe for boarding and alighting. When in doubt, parents may check with the Bus Operator Office for wet weather arrangements.
Yes, pick-up and drop-off times are subject to change with prior notice to parents. Students may be reassigned to a different bus route due to the changes in student enrolment throughout the year. However, such changes will be kept to a minimum.
Students are not allowed to alight at non-designated points, other than their homes or school, or travel on any other buses.
Bus registrations are nominative and seats are not transferable. Students whose names are not included in the Bus Attendance list are not permitted to ride the school bus concerned.
Early Childhood (EC), Grade 1 and Grade 2 students must be met by a parent or guardian or care-giver. Children will not be allowed to alight the bus without the presence of an adult, even if they are accompanied by an older sibling. If there is no adult present to meet the EC/Grade 1 or 2 student, the child will be taken back to school and await his or her parents to fetch him/her home. There will be applicable charges in this event for taking the child back to school.
Yes, if your child doesn’t require the school bus on a particular day(s), please inform the class teacher(s) and the OWIS Transport Liaison Officer via the Bus Service Hotlines or email at the earliest notice.
This will allow us to inform the driver and minimise delays on the morning journey. It will also allow us to expedite the dismissal timing of individual buses in the evening.
The bus driver and attendant should not be held responsible if a child who has an after-school activity or who otherwise doesn’t require the bus service, still boards and takes the bus back home.
The time taken for school buses depends on the pick-up and drop-off location, traffic conditions and bus routing. It can range from 20-25 minutes for shorter distances to 60-75 minutes for longer distances. In some cases, it may even longer than 75 minutes if there is heavy traffic.
Bus routes are subject to adjustment every term or where necessary. Please keep this factor in mind before planning for an after-school activity for your child that is too close to the scheduled drop-off time because of any delays that may occur due to bad weather, traffic jam, road works etc.
In the event of a medical emergency, the bus operator shall arrange for immediate medical attention for the student as may be reasonable and available in the circumstances. Parents shall undertake to pay the medical fee and incidental charges in respect of such medical attention.
The Bus Operator shall, at its own expense, at all times during the term, take out and maintain appropriate third-party policies of insurance for the student against claims for personal injury and death arising out of or in connection with the provision of the Bus Service.
Exclusion/Limitation of liability: Except in relation to liability for death or personal injury, the Bus Operator shall be under no liability to the student and/ or the parents in respect of any loss or damage which may be suffered, or incurred or which arise directly or indirectly in respect of the provision of the bus service, or in respect of a failure or omission on the part of Bus Operator to comply with obligations under the Terms & Conditions.
Parents must email their new residential address to our Transportation Liaison Officer at [email protected]. You will have to provide at least three (3) weeks’ notice for any change of address.
The Bus Operator will take two to three (2-3) weeks from the date of the email to arrange for a bus service from the new address. The school will not adjust or refund the invoiced bus fees for midterm amendments for any changes of address. Adjustment of bus fees will be made in the following payment cycle.
Three (3) termly payments are required in each school academic year.
· Term 1: August, September, October & November
· Term 2: December, January, February & March
· Term 3: April, May, June & July
· Payment mode will be via Giro deduction or by a crossed cheque/ cashiers order made to One World International School Pte Ltd.
· Non-payment even after commencement of service, could result in suspension of the service until the outstanding payment is received.
Bus fees are determined by ZONE location (Please refer to the next FAQ)
Refer to for the Annual Bus fees by zone.
Termly Bus Fees will be invoiced on the following dates:
· Term 1: 31st May
· Term 2: 30th of September
· Term 3: 31st of January
Bus Zones are determined by calculating student’s residence distance to the OWIS campus.
· Google Maps is used for calculation of distance from Residence to OWIS campus.
· Distance from two different routes are selected.
· The two distances are then summed up and divided by 2 journeys, the result will be the approximate distance for the student
For Example: A student’s home address is Parc Vista Condominium, 464 Corporation Rd, Singapore 649817.
· Using Google Maps, the furthest distance from Parc Vista Condominium to OWIS is 3.8 km
· The return route gives a distance from OWIS to Parc Vista Condominium by Google Maps as 3.7km
· Therefore, the distance from Parc Vista Condominium to OWIS is 3.8km + 3.7km / 2 = 3.75km. The student Bus Fees is allocated in ZONE 2
For example: If a new student commences his bus service on the 22nd of September of the new Academic Year.
· The student is to pay for the full month of September even if he/she commences bus service on the 22nd of September.
Bus fees will ONLY be PRORATED (for the term) for new bus riders who commence their bus service in between the term.
For example: A new student commences his/her bus service on the 22nd of September of the new Academic Year.
· Student will be invoiced full payment for the months of September, October & November (Term 1)
· The next bus fees payment instalment will be for Term 2: December, January, February & March
There will be NO BUS FEE REFUND after confirmation of the bus service and after bus service withdrawal in the middle of the term. This is in-line with the school tuition fee policy.
For example: A student paid in full for Term 2 (December, January, February & March) and the student decided to withdraw bus service on 27th of February of the Academic Year.
· Bus Fees will not be refunded for the balance month of March.
There will be NO BUS FEE REFUND during School Holidays and Non-school days.
On Non-School Days caused by National Emergency Situations, as declared by the Singapore Government (for example Circuit Breaker 2020 due to Covid-19), bus fees refund for non-school days are subjected to School Management discretion.
One World International School Pte Ltd reserves the right to refuse a student on the bus if payment due is not made promptly after notice has been served.
One World International School Pte Ltd reserves the right to terminate, or at its sole and absolute discretion suspend for such period as it may determine, the Bus Service immediately, by notice in writing, if the student and/or the parents materially breach any of the Bus Terms & Conditions or fail to observe and comply with any of the bus Rules and Regulations outlined in this page. In such cases, the bus fees will not be refunded.
If your child wishes to withdraw from the use of the bus service, please provide a bus termination email to our Transport Liaison Officer at [email protected] before the next bus fee invoicing date or at least one (1) month prior to the termination date.
Please include the following details in the bus services termination email:
· Name of child/children
· Grade of child/children
· Last date of bus usage
The withdrawal process will only be effective by month end.
For Example: A student has decided to withdraw from the bus service on the 15th of March in Term 2.
- There will be no bus refund for the remainder of March (No Refund Policy)
- Student may avail bus services until the end of 31st of March (Term 2)
- Student will not avail bus services from the new Term 3 (April onwards)
To avoid being invoiced for the subsequent bus fee instalment, parents have to submit the bus withdrawal email before the following dates:
25th May
25th September
25th January
The school will NOT adjust the bus fees if an email request for bus withdrawal is made after the above cut-off date.
Parents can only re-register for bus services for the child/children 2 terms after the withdrawal date.
There will be a Reactivation Fee payable by the parent, following termination of access to the Bus Service, for reactivation of such access by OWIS.
As per the current contract agreement, a reactivation fee per student may be imposed. Please refer to for the Bus Reactivation fee.
- In the event a delay occurs due to unforeseen circumstances, the bus operator personnel will inform parents via phone or sms. Please ensure that the contact numbers provided are updated.
- If you do not receive any notification and the bus fails to arrive within twenty (20) minutes of the scheduled pick-up time, please call the Transport Office to check the location of the bus. If they confirm that the bus will be more than ten (10) minutes late from the time of call, you may opt to wait for the bus or proceed to arrange for your child to take a taxi to school and seek reimbursement from the Bus Operator Office for the cost incurred for the 1-way journey.
- Please submit a designated claim form duly filled out and supported by proper proof of payment/receipt within 3 working days of the expenses being incurred. Such taxi claims will only be paid if the bus fare for the current school term has been fully paid. Reimbursement of the taxi fares incurred will only be made for ordinary cab service or private car service (Comfort, CityCab, SMRT, SilverCab, TransCab, PrimeTaxi, Grab, Ryde etc) and not for premium cabs such as LimoCab, Gogovan, and the like.
Any feedback or safety concerns regarding a bus or bus driver should be made to the OWIS Transport Liaison Officer at +65-6419 6718 or Email: [email protected]
Please refer to our FAQS page or please contact [email protected] if you have any doubts.
Should you have any questions,
please send us a message. We are here to assist you.