Kindness Week

Kindness is a core value at OWIS. As part of our values and action as a school, we endeavour to instil and empower students, teachers and the OWIS community to share kindness each and every day.

During our Kindness Week:“Weaving Kindness through OWIS”, this year (9th to 13th November) everyone had the opportunity to focus on 3 dedicated themes revolving around kindness – ‘Being kind to yourself, Being kind to others and Being kind to the world’. Students and teachers will participate in activities and events such as random acts of kindness, daily mindfulness, kindness pledges, sustainability awareness and cleaning up the canteen, to help cultivate a culture of kindness and promote community well-being.

The OWIS Parent Committee organised a Parent-Quote Kindness Tree (with quotes from parents painted onto the Kindness tree at OWIS), a Kindness Quilt (made from origami paper with a kindness quote from students) and a Staff Appreciation breakfast during Kindness Week.

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