Book Week 2022 September

This year, we kicked off our calendar of school events with a crowd favourite – Book Week. Students throughout the school enjoyed a number of exciting activities to inspire in them a love of reading and books. 

In the Book Hat competition, students designed a unique headpiece that would represent their love of reading. With entries showcasing “Alice in Wonderland,” “Jack and the Beanstalk,” “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” and more, the participants and the winners impressed the judges with their creativity.

Closetful of Books swung by with their stock of delightful, age-appropriate books. Learners were enthralled by the selection on display and were thrilled that they got to exercise their agency and choose their own purchase. 

On Book Character Dress-up Day, everyone’s creativity was on display in spades. Our youngest learners immersed themselves in the wonders of stories through a carousel-based activity where every classroom they went to had a teacher ready to read to them. There were even Secondary students and parents who volunteered to take up this fun role as “Mystery Readers”.

Our Primary learners participated in specially planned activity booths, which included puppet theatre and constructing Lego creations inspired by books. In the weekly assembly, there was a book-related quiz competition for the houses, which brought out the competitive spirit in our avid readers. 

Our learners in Early Childhood and Primary had the opportunity to meet and learn from two authors – Ms Namita Moolani Mehra, writer of “Anni Dreams of Biryani”, and Ms Patricea Chew, who has written the “Tony Tapir” series. 

In Secondary School, our students used their critical thinking skills, imagination and vocabulary to construct thought-provoking six-word stories in a competition during Tutor Time. Congratulations to all the winners!

Our thanks to all the teachers in charge of putting together this fun event!  

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