A successful Community Day at OWIS Suntec

One of the many endearing features of OWIS Suntec is the way our school community comes together to undertake small acts that make a difference. In the past two years since the launch of this campus, students have participated in various charity drives as well as organised unique campaigns, such as a toy and clothing swap to raise awareness about sustainability.  

Recently, OWIS Suntec celebrated its first Community Day of the new school year. The purpose of the event was to give our school community an opportunity to build connections at the start of the year. 

At OWIS Suntec, we are passionate about taking community action to keep our beaches and oceans clean. For Community Day, teachers, students and parents headed out to East Coast Park for a beach clean-up. 

The day involved an immense amount of hard work of picking up the litter that is usually found on the shore after a weekend. Towards the end, our students enjoyed a picnic together and some well-deserved ice-cream!

We were incredibly proud of our students, even our youngest ones in Early Childhood, who put in their best effort to make a difference to Planet Earth. It was eye-opening to listen to students’ prior knowledge on the importance of keeping our beaches clean. We were equally delighted with the turnout among parents who made time out of their busy week to pitch in with their children as well to form stronger connections with each other.   

Thank you to everyone who joined us in making our Community Day a tremendous success. 
