In this new series, we celebrate the graduands who will be completing our IB Diploma Programme in 2023. As they prepare for the next stage of their lives after graduating secondary school, they shared the highlights of their experience here at One World International School Nanyang Campus.
Adeliya F.
In which year and grade level did you start at OWIS Nanyang?
Grade 8 in 2018
What has been the highlight of your student life at OWIS?
The friends I’ve made and the classmates I’ve had.
What do you think will be your fondest memory of the school?
The IB DP Group 4 Science project because we had lots of fun creating our superhero, and everything that came with it.
Do you have a favourite teacher at OWIS for whom you would like to share a few words of appreciation?
I love all my teachers. But if I had to choose, it would be Ms Zareefi (Humanities teacher), Ms Adler (Senior Coordinator for Pastoral Care for Secondary School) and Mr Croft (former Senior Coordinator for the IB DP). This is because they have consistently treated me like an adult and showed me nothing but kindness and respect. They have been supporting me heavily with dealing with the emotional impact of the war in Ukraine.
As you enter the next phase of your life, what would you take forward from your time here at OWIS?
I’ve learnt a lot about communication and how it’s important to be proactive, not reactive.
I’ve also learnt that kindness and empathy are key in leadership and collaborative work.
What are your plans after OWIS?
I am very excited for the next chapter. I am going to study filmmaking and be involved in theatre as an actress.
I cannot wait to be independent and have a life in university!
Adeliya, our heartiest congratulations on everything you have achieved so far and our best wishes for the future!