Maths Morning 2021

Let’s say it together – Maths can be fun! It all depends on how it is taught. On Maths morning in March 2021, students from Early Childhood to Secondary participated in many engaging and creative activities, all the while reinforcing their conceptual understanding of Maths topics. 

Our youngest learners in Early Childhood cut out 2D shapes and made creative artworks, and they also practised measurement by filling containers with coloured rice. In Primary, it was a day of Maths-based games – Battleships, making pizza fractions, making patterns with tessellations and much more!

Diving into the subject from a higher level, our Secondary school students explored Maths from an interdisciplinary perspective. In PE, they measured distances, times and scores. In Science, they analysed the Golden Ratio. In English, it was time to deconstruct word problems. In Geography, students examined the richness of data about our world. 

Our thanks to Karen Brooks, the Primary School Maths Coordinator, Stephen Powell, the Secondary Head of Maths, and the very creative and enthusiastic teachers in the Maths committee: Liv Coles, Min Joo (Eileen) Cho, Krithika Venkataramani, Braden Cobb, Devika Bhutani, Rowan Grigoropoulos, Adrian Deller, Audrey Pang, Ong Jun Liang (Ryan), Angelo Govender and Kasthuri S.

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