Collaborative Eco-Art Project, Virtual Exhibition and Charity Auction 2021

Our annual Eco-Art project and exhibition are in keeping with our philosophy of shaping socially- and environmentally-responsible global citizens. This year, with Covid-19 restrictions, we realised the exhibition would need to be virtual. Further, to add another dimension of learning to the process of creating eco-art, we conceptualised an idea that would help our students to give back to a worthy cause as well.

The purpose of this school-wide project is to teach students to understand and learn about environmental art, which is created by using recycled and unwanted materials. Over April and May 2021, students were presented with the idea and thought of ways to create and design these pieces. Parents were asked to help their child bring recycled stuff from home.

Art teachers collaborated with Early Childhood and Primary teachers to help students design and complete art pieces. For secondary school, each class was divided into two groups, and these students researched and chose the type of art piece they want to produce. This was a great experience for them to learn to collaborate and share ideas. Many were so pleased and felt rewarded when they saw their ideas develop from thoughts to fruition.

The art pieces were presented in a Virtual Eco Art Exhibition and all members of the OWIS family were invited to view and celebrate the artistic efforts of our students. Further, the pieces were put up for auction as well for the parents, with bid amounts being contributed to the Make-a-Wish Foundation.

This event provided a golden opportunity for our students to learn to work together, even the younger ones with the help and assistance from their teachers.The secondary students absolutely loved this project because they had total ownership of their design. They were very focused, excited and engaged. At the same time, the students learned how they can turn waste into art. One thing is for sure – they will never look at recycled material the same again.

Kudos to all the students for the beautiful art pieces and to our creative art department for how well this event was conducted from start to finish!

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