Book Week 2022 February

Every year, Book Week provides a delightful opportunity to celebrate books and the wonderful ideas and worlds they open our imagination to. Mark Renie, Head of School, OWIS, adds, “Literacy is critical in supporting a child’s academic development and the realisation of their full potential. Events like these ensure that a love of reading and learning is being fostered in our community.”

Throughout the week, our Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary students engaged in a variety of activities, such as discussions about their favourite books, a visit to the Closet Full of Books sale in our library, visits from Mystery Readers, book-themed scavenger hunts, arts and crafts, and reading challenges. Our Secondary school students held discussions about the importance of reading, engaged in book-themed arts and crafts activities and held a blackout day on Thursday where they switched off their digital devices in school and engaged in more reading activities.

The week culminated with Dress Up day, where our student community dressed up as characters from their favourite books. Our enthusiastic academic and non-academic staff were game for some fun as well, and students were treated to the sight of Mr. Renie, Mrs. Deller, Mrs. Gill and the rest of the office staff dressed as characters from “Alice in Wonderland”. 

Our thanks goes out to the English Department for spreading cheer across the school through this event and to all our teachers who worked hard to ensure that it was a success. 
