Primary learners start to learn Information & Communication Technology (ICT)

At OWIS, we’ve always emphasised that kindness as one of our core values extends to exhibiting this trait online. Along with digital literacy, our Secondary students have always been imparted knowledge about digital citizenship and how we should show the same respect to others on the Internet as we would in the real world.

This year, students in Early Childhood 3 and Primary School will start learning the basics of digital citizenship and digital literacy as a time-tabled lesson in an age-appropriate, levelled approach. We believe this knowledge is important for them to start imbibing from a young age, around when their exposure to and interest in apps and devices commences.

During ICT lesson for Grade 3 recently, students were shown a video presentation on the characteristics of a good digital citizen. They reflected on their understanding by making a cartoon of themselves on a white board. They were also shown the ‘Pages’ app on the iPad, where they learnt the features of the tool. They explored the app and worked on a presentation on a human body system of their choice.

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