Think Kindness Challenge 2021

In March 2021, OWIS was given a challenge by Brian Williams of Think Kindness, a US-based non-profit. After a motivational virtual assembly, he asked the school community if we could come together as “Kindness Ninjas” who would stealthily perform kindness acts for others and thus, reach a massive goal of 5000 acts of kindness within a fortnight. This was the first time an international school outside the US was taking part in this challenge. 

With this common goal in mind, students, parents, teachers and staff started consciously performing and recording our random acts of kindness – simple deeds in our daily interactions that would bring positivity in the lives of others. It was wonderful to view the kindness journals and trackers and hear the students excitedly talking about all the good deeds they had accomplished.

In the meanwhile, with the help of our Kindness Leaders, students started placing their handprints on the Kindness Tree murals as a visible measure of the power of kindness across our school. The artworks really seemed to bloom with their efforts. At the end of the fortnight, the school community had notched up a massive 11,343 acts of kindness in response to the Think Kindness challenge. A great team effort for a good cause!

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