The OWIS Approach to Kindness-Led Learning and Inclusive Community Building at OWIS Digital Campus

At One World International School (OWIS) Digital Campus in Punggol, we recognise the importance of kindness-led learning and an inclusive community that nurtures caring and empathetic learners.

Why We Teach Kindness and Inclusion

A large part of kindness is the ability to see another person’s perspective and recognise their feelings, which is why we emphasise and reward acts of kindness in and out of the classroom.

Children have daily opportunities to show kindness, whether by complimenting a friend or helping a peer or parent with a task. Every act of kindness and inclusion benefits everyone involved.

  • Alleviates stress
  • Lessens the pressure to perform
  • Creates happy and low-stress individuals
  • Fosters a feeling of belonging
  • Increases self-esteem
  • Willingness to share thoughts and feelings
  • Reduces bullying
  • Improves mental health and promotes feelings of well-being and gratitude
Inclusive Community

An inclusive community goes hand-in-hand with a kindness-led approach to learning. Our educators create an environment where students feel a sense of belonging and are comfortable participating in class by building an inclusive learning community:

Teachers build an inclusive learning community by:

  • Promoting diversity
  • Facilitating open dialogue
  • Encouraging active participation
  • Treating students equitably
  • Providing equal access to learning
  • Recognising and celebrating diversity
  • Implementing and abiding by anti-discrimination policies
  • Ensuring accessibility for all
The Role of Educators and Parents

Kindness-led learning is vital to a child developing empathy, compassion and self-esteem. Parents and educators share the role of creating a culture of kindness at home and school.

Model Kindness by Showing Kindness

Children often learn social skills by watching and copying adults. Teachers can model kindness by being compassionate to students, staff and others in their community. Parents can also model kindness by acting kindly and encouraging empathy for others.

Actively Listen

Active listening is a valuable act of kindness that helps individuals better understand one another, develop empathy, form long-lasting relationships and have more shared experiences.

Children who feel seen and heard are more likely to connect with others’ perspectives and feelings.

Give Constructive but Compassionate Feedback

Clear, specific and actionable feedback that’s given compassionately nurtures kindness. For instance, explain to a child why what they did was right or wrong.

Constructive feedback is about building on a child’s strengths and focusing on obstacles rather than criticising.

Create a Safe Environment

Children feel nurtured when they feel their needs are met in a safe and secure environment.

Setting ground rules early in the classroom and at home gives children space to take appropriate risks without fear of saying the wrong thing or being bullied, humiliated or criticised too harshly.

Risk-taking is a healthy part of growing up when done in a safe environment. Acts of kindness are often exercises in risk-taking and can lead to growth, creativity and new opportunities.

Provide Children Opportunities to Help Others

Even small acts of kindness toward parents, classmates, teachers and friends have value.

Children who give back have higher self-esteem and empathy and are more apt to be positive forces in their communities.

Volunteering at a pet shelter, retirement home or children’s hospital allows children to learn other people’s perspectives and practice authentic kindness.

Remind Children to Show Kindness to Themselves

Parents and educators must stress the value of kindness and inclusion while also teaching children the importance of self-care to ensure their mental well-being.

Self-compassion can reduce anxiety and lower feelings of embarrassment when a child makes a mistake. It is also associated with a more consistent feeling of self-worth.

Children will sometimes act unkind. Remind them that being unkind is a common mistake, and it’s better to focus on repairing the hurt and learning how to approach a similar situation differently next time.

How OWIS Digital Campus Nurtures Kindness and Inclusion

Our kindness-driven classrooms differ from traditional classrooms in many ways. OWIS educators personalise teaching approaches, nurture academic excellence and encourage students to grow into independent, knowledgeable and socially aware young adults.

The staff and faculty at OWIS Digital Campus model kindness and compassion daily, including in their interactions with students, parents, other faculty members and the administration.

In OWIS classrooms, teachers and staff reinforce and reward children when they are observed performing acts of kindness. Recognising good behaviour encourages children to repeat good deeds.


Showing kindness makes us healthier, happier and more confident. Kindness-led learning and an inclusive community provide children with opportunities to show empathy for others while also learning to love themselves.

Parents and educators must work together to create a culture of kindness in and out of school by modelling positive behaviour, actively listening, providing compassionate feedback and creating a safe environment.

At OWIS Digital Campus in Punggol, we provide opportunities for children to show kindness to others, recognise and reward such acts and remind children to love themselves.

Book a tour of OWIS Digital Campus and experience our inclusive environment and kindness-led approach.

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