Kindness Week 2022 at OWIS Nanyang

Every year, Kindness Week is a whole school event through which we celebrate and nurture this core value of our school. During Kindness Week this year, students in all grades learned about the value of being kind through assemblies and activities. Students placed imprints of their hands on our beautiful Kindness Tree murals, which is one of our school traditions. Parents were invited to contribute words about kindness, which were also placed on the Kindness Trees.

For our older Secondary school students, understanding the value of being kind and compassionate is closely interlinked with realising the negative impact of bullying. In tutor time activities and an assembly on this theme, they worked in groups to understand different scenarios in which bullying can take place.

The week culminated with Odd Socks Day, a day when students throughout the school wore mismatched socks to depict their awareness of how everyone is different and that they should feel accepted regardless.

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